Saturday 13 October 2012

Set Location for Filming

Lucy has sent me photographs of the interior locations we will be shooting for our film, this is great as I can now start planning the set design around the room at such an early point into the project and have a better understanding of what space and size I have to work with.


Luckily, the set already is working in my favour as the room is very plain with no modern or colourful wallpaper etc. The tiles in the kitchen are a creamy, brown colour and the cupboard doors are brown and wooden which fits in perfectly with my “industrial” bleak and bland late 80’s early 90’s look I am trying to achieve. However, there is still a lot more that I need to do, I am going to work my upmost hardest to transform these sets into something my group will be highly impressed by and I hope give our film that extra character and mood we want.

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