Monday 8 October 2012

Displaying Emotion Without Dialogue

Emotions can be displayed in film without the use of dialogue, when done correct this can make the scene in the film more powerful than having dialogue. I am going to explain how a number of different emotions can be portrayed through acting and body language.

 A Single Man – Tom Ford – 2009
The scene:

British college professor George (Colin Firth) receives a phone call from a man named Harold claiming to be the cousin of Jim (George’s lover) with the tragic news that Jim has died in a car accident.
George sounds fine on the phone to Harold, however the audience can see from his body language this is far from the truth and this tragic news has crushed him.

I’m afraid I’m calling with some bad news.
There has been a car accident.
An Accident?
As George asks “an accident?” his body stiffens not moving, his eyes are locked looking down to the right, showing puzzlement and intrigue as to what Harold is going to tell him. As Harold to explain continues George takes a deep breath and quickly takes of his glasses showing that he may know where Harold’s news is going.
 As Harold tells George that Jim lost control of his car George squeezes his glasses tightly shaking, showing his fear and anger of the news he is receiving. His eyes have become more lost and his whole expression is sullen while breathing quickly and heavily. This shows that the news has saddened him greatly and is too much for him to take.


When Harold tells George that Jim’s parents do not want George to attend the funeral, George squeezes his eyes shut, showing us his unbearable pain of losing the love of his life but also the pain from the hatred shown by Jim’s parents because of his sexuality. When he opens his eyes again they are tight with tears welling up, but George breathes heavily trying to fight them back as to not show Harold his true emotions that he is feeling. His eyes dart around frantically showing his grief and despair by the news, he also tightens his lips and facial expression trying to control his emotions and not cry.


When George ends the call with Harold he puts his hand to his face and then instantly back down again, not knowing what to do overcome by the tragic news. He looks around the room bewildered then looks down at his hands more tears welling up in his eyes. There is a shot of him loosening his grip on his glasses and then let them slip out of his hand and fall on the floor. It then cuts back to his face where he takes a deep breath and sinks into his chair finally allowing himself to release his true emotions. He weeps silently, tears falling from his face and sinks into his chair as though wanting to hide from the world, his tight expressions loosen and sadness and remorse fills his face.


His face and body tense up once again, biting his lips and his body begins to shake, showing his anger and frustration as to what has happened and not having the power to change it.

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