Saturday 13 October 2012

First Meeting for Art Direction

I had a meeting with Lucy to discuss initial Art Direction ideas and to get an overall understanding of what she wanted the film to look like.

Here are the ideas that Lucy stated she wanted to look and mood of the film to be like:-

1)      The overall look to be very bleak, drab and unsaturated.

2)      The only bright colours she wants is the blood from Tony and the Hawaiian shirt that Tony wears on the bus during the hallucination/haunting scene.

3)      The kitchen scenes have to have a naturalistic, cleanliness look to them.

4)      The bus scene to have a very grimy, fluorescent, ‘David Fincher-like’ look to it like his film ‘Seven’ with moody yellows etc.

5)      Adam to look quite nerdy/weedy.

6)      Max to be more masculine in comparison.

7)      The landlord to be similar to the Mitchell Brothers from ‘Eastenders’.

Taking these ideas into mind I suggested to Lucy about going for a late 80s early 90s “Industrial” look with props, costumes and the set design and setting. Two films for example that instantly came into thought were:
Ratcatcher - Lynne Ramsay - 1999

Submarine - Richard Ayoade - 2010
I will study into these two films (plus others) for inspiration and knowledge on Art Direction as I feel they have a similar look and style to what I am trying to accomplish for our film.

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