Monday 8 October 2012

Observation Character Exercise

I created my character with the questions that was on the hand out given in class.

Where: Café at Castle Market Sheffield, sat having a cup of tea.
Clothes: Faded washed out plain clothes, cream coloured cotton trousers, light pink wool knitted jumper, black sandals and a plain faded grey coat.
Hair: Silver/white thin hair, permed.
Who their with: Another woman around the similar age.
Body language: Calm, gentle, frail.
 Creating the character
Who is this person?
Her name is Phillis; she is 72 years of age and has always been a permanent resident of Sheffield.
 When they go home, who's there?
Her son Thomas aged 40. He has always lived at home with Phillis as he has special needs and/or autism and requires permanent care and someone to look after him, which is what Phillis has always done, unless he is out for the day with his care worker.
 What did they do yesterday?
Phillis went for a walk with Thomas to their local park, they went to Thomas' favourite spot which is up a big hill and from the top you can see the view of all of Sheffield. However, Phillis has struggled to get up this hill for some time due to her age, something Thomas cannot understand due to his illness.
They then went to the local café near the park where Phillis had a cup of tea with a ham, cheese and salad sandwich (she hasn't had much of an appetite for a few years now). Thomas had orange juice with his favourite meal egg, bacon and chips (he doesn’t like beans, the way they look disgust him).
 What will they do tomorrow?
Thomas is going out for the day with his care worker, so Phillis is going into town for lunch with an old friend she used to work with. They are also going to clothes shopping as they are going on a trip to Isle of Wight sometime soon with close friends and Thomas.
 When did they last laugh?
Today, just now sat at the café, her friend was telling Phillis that she bumped into an old school friend of theirs, a man named Arthur. Arthur used to have a big crush on Phillis while they were at school and follow her around all day. Phillis who was not interested in Arthur allowed him to say around just because he used to buy her sweets and treats. Phillis and her friend laugh and exchange these nostalgic stories, Phillis' friend ends the laughter by telling her that Arthur's wife died last month, Phillis has gotten used to people dying around her now at her age.
 When did they last cry?
About two weeks ago, while out with Thomas food shopping in the town centre, Phillis' legs gave in and she fell over, hitting her knees hard and cutting her arm on the floor from the floor. At the sight of his mother falling and blood and scrape marks on her, Thomas began screaming and crying panicking not knowing what to do. Even though Phillis was in pain she stayed strong to calm her son down. Members of the public helped Phillis and called an ambulance for her just to be safe, Phillis thought this was nonsense she knew she was fine, but the persistence of people and the paramedics convinced to go just in case.
In the hospital Thomas was still upset and crying, the sobbing from her 40 year old son made Phillis upset and reminded her when Thomas was a child how she would cradle him in her arms as sobbed when he has fallen over and saw the cuts on his knees and hands.
That night when they got home Phillis but Thomas to bed and then went to her own bed, but she stayed awake for a long time thinking deeply unable to sleep. She thought about what would happen to Thomas when she would pass away, who would look after him and how would he take it or even understand it. She was getting a lot older every day and she knew death was not far away for her. For the first time in a long time that night Phillis cried herself to sleep.
 What's the matter with your character?
Age. Phillis is now 72 years of age and she feels her mind becoming slower every day, her memory is not as good and her strength and stamina is weaker than ever, this worries her as she is scared that Thomas will be alone after she has passed away.
 What does this character desire above all else?
After the night at the hospital when she fell over, Phillis made a silent promise to herself and wishes to accomplish it before she passes away. Phillis wishes to find Thomas a partner and hopefully a relationship so he will not be alone when she goes. Recently she has been seeking advice to Thomas' doctors and care workers of her thoughts; she has also been checking lonely hearts columns in the newspapers trying to find Thomas a successful date.
 Why can't this character have it?
Due to Thomas’ illness and he needs a lot of care Phillis has got to find someone who would be happy with Thomas and patient or someone that would even consider Thomas as relationship material. She also has to face the question of would other people in her society deem it as morally right.
 What’s in the past for this character?
She has worked in care homes and hospitals since the age of 16 so she has great knowledge of health and how to look after Thomas, she retired when she was 59. Her husband George worked in the factories before they were closed down and then began work for a delivery company some years later after the struggle of unemployment. Phillis and George were very much in love and although they always tried, Phillis has difficulties becoming pregnant. She was older (which in her day was unusual) when she Thomas, whilst giving birth to him Phillis had serious difficulties and almost died. Although Thomas has his illness neither George nor Phillis ever regretted having their son and were very happy. George passed away in 1999 due to a brain tumour; Phillis never met anyone else or re-married.
What’s in the future for this character?
Phillis will pass away in less than 6 months when she is asleep.
What makes this character interesting?
Why would we emphasis with this character?
Phillis is very a smart, strong willed person; she has no time for self-pity and always looks on the bright side of life. She will do whatever she can to help people and always puts others before herself. Even though she is an elderly woman she is independent and also looks after a full grown 40 year old man.

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