Sunday 14 October 2012

Early Art Direction Thoughts

I decided to do some of my own research and to look for props, costumes and items that could be used for the set design for our film. I took my camera out with me for the day and went to Castle Market and local charity shops to take photographs of almost anything I think would help to establish the mood and design I am trying to create. Because Lucy wants the look to be very drab and bleak with not much colour, I have decided to aim for a “Industrial” 80’s feel, therefore at this early stage I have decided to focus on the different shades of brown’s, grey’s and black’s with some dingy cream and green colours. Hopefully with these photographs Lucy and the rest of the group will see and understand what I am trying to create, however these are just early starting off thoughts and plans, it is still early in the process so if they do not agree with the direction I am going in I can quickly re-think and change what I am doing.
 Industrial Colours & Moods
Here I taken photographs of buildings that I feel fit in well with the Industrial look that shows the mood and style of the film. I mainly took these pictures to show my group what I mean by “industrial”. I do not expect to use these locations as filming locations but I do like the colours of the buildings, different shades of old brick, rusting old metal and faded colours that I want to use for our location we are filming in. I believe they will work really well for the bleak, drab un-saturated look Lucy is wanting for the film.



Early thoughts for bus scene.
Lucy stated that for the bus scene she wanted a ‘David Fincher esque’ look about it, very much like the film ‘Seven’, with a drab, dull glow of yellows and oranges. Here I have just taken photographs at night looking at how the light from street lamps make places look completely different and beginning to think what I can do with this source of light and colour.

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