Wednesday 9 January 2013

Creating Fake Blood Practice

Making Fake Blood
Golden Syrup
Plain Flour
Red Food Colouring
Blue Food Colouring

I practiced making fake blood on some volunteers as I have never created fake blood or any special effects before. There are a number of graphic scenes in our film that will include blood and body parts being cut off etc, so therefore I started practicing early on special effects as I want it to look as realistic as possible within our budget; here is how it turned out.

 Firstly I mixed the golden syrup with water to get the required consistency, thickness and texture of real blood. I then included little drops of red food colouring throughout the mixing to get the correct colour of fresh blood. I also included flour as this made the colour darker so the fake blood looked more believable and also added more thickness to the fake blood that was needed. It was suprisingly simple and easy to create and was very effective.

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